Frequently Asked Questions

updated June 2020

How do I get to Fab Lab Limerick?

We're in the UL City Campus, Sarsfield Street, Limerick. Our Eircode is V94DW21.

Find us on OpenStreetMap or on Google Maps.

Can I just call in?

Absolutely! We're open to the public, and delighted for you to call in. If you're bringing a group, please let us know by email.

Do you have a membership fee?

No membership fee, but we do have rates for our main machines, and a cost for materials you buy from us.

I have a project to do. How do I work out how much it will cost?

Generally, machine time + material costs (if any).

Rates for each machine are listed here.

Extras that may apply include Design, or Technical Assistance, Special Material Expenses (for instance 3D printing in a more expensive material). There is a fee of €20 per hour for Technical Assistance, which needs to be arranged in advance by email. Technical Assistance does not include Design.

Can you take card payments?

Unfortunately, no. The nearest ATMs are about 3-5 mins walk, in the Dunnes and Arthurs' Quay/Tesco shopping centres.

Can you send me a quotation or an invoice?

Quotation, yes; Invoice, unfortunately no. Invoices have to be issued by the UL finance department. You may be required to be set up as a UL Customer.

Which materials are safe to be used with the Laser Cutter?

There are a huge number of materials that can be cut by laser. The Trotec and the Lasersaur contain CO2 laser bulbs, 80W and 100W respectively. You can read more about these specifications on our machine pages: Lasersaur or Trotec.

Our laser cutters cannot cut ferrous metals (shiny), mirrored surfaces, PVC, carbon fiber. Glass can be engraved with some success, but cutting is not possible. Stone? Engraving is ok; Cutting not possible.

A great reference if you are unsure is the Trotec Website. If you are unsure, perhaps you can find a reference online, if you are at still unable to determine a material’s suitability please drop us a query at

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